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Wild Women of Alaska Collection Page 6
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Page 6
She left the hotel, fired up the SUV, and drove to the station. There were only a few officers on duty, and most of them were out on patrol. Lara would be at dispatch, fielding calls while knitting another scarf or sweater. If Seana was quiet, she should be able to sneak in without anyone noticing.
The station was thankfully silent when she snuck in and inched down the hallway to the holding cells. No one had been held overnight since she’d reported for duty. It was the same case tonight. She yawned as she let herself into the cell where she’d stowed Treat the last few times. The cot wasn’t too bad—either that or she was past caring with how tired she was. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
Treat jogged up the stairs to the station, smiling as he noticed DC’s vehicle parked out front. Maybe he’d get a few minutes with her before finally having it out with Aaron. Morehouse had been pissed at him too long this time. Aaron hadn’t spilled about the kiss he’d interrupted, which worried Treat too. He wasn’t worried about his reputation. That ship had sailed. But he was worried about DC’s, mainly because she seemed anxious about it. Case in point, why she wouldn’t move into his perfectly good sailboat.
He walked in and only saw Kelvin and Lara. “Where’s DC?” he asked Lara.
“Check your room.”
His room?
“Ah, good one.” He winked at Lara and headed down the hall toward the cells. He entered and found the tempting Deputy Chief of Dutch Harbor sound asleep. And she was sleeping in his bed. She was adorable all curled up, her hands under her cheek and her knees up to her chest. She wore black yoga pants and a tie-dyed t-shirt with rainbow-colored socks. Her dark hair covered half her face. She seemed cold.
He looked around for a blanket, but she was lying on it. He took off his jacket and carefully draped it over her.
That’s it. She was moving into his boat by tonight whether she liked it or not.
She sighed into his jacket, her body relaxing from the tight ball she’d curled into. He needed to find her more blankets. Quietly, he went into the other cell and stripped the wool covering off the cot. He returned and gently tucked it in around her, leaving his jacket over her for softness since the wool was an old, scratchy army blanket.
He left the cell block and returned to the bullpen just as Aaron entered. He came to a stop when he noticed Treat.
“What are you doing here?” Aaron asked.
“We need to talk.” What was the real reason Aaron was pissed at him? It couldn’t be because he’d kissed DC. There was more to the cold shoulder than that.
“No we don’t.”
“Really? You going to treat me like Courtney and give me the silent treatment?”
That got Aaron’s attention. Maybe a bit too much of his attention. “You shut the fuck up about Courtney.”
“Hey, guys,” Kelvin said, venturing into the conversation. “I suggest you take this outside.” He indicated Lara and the other few officers watching their exchange.
“Fine,” Aaron spit out. He swiveled on his heel and slapped open the door, not bothering to hold it for Treat.
“What crawled up your ass and died?” Treat demanded once they were facing off in the parking lot.
“You really are spoiling for a fight.”
“Need a man bigger than you to give me one, asshole.”
Aaron’s hands flexed and curled into fists. Treat relaxed his stance in case he needed to make a quick move. Aaron wasn’t one to fly off the handle, which worried Treat even more. He’d been moody, with a nasty temper, since Treat had returned. They’d been buds since they were in diapers. Treat had been Aaron’s best man when he’d married Courtney. To have this kind of animosity between them was new. Usually, if they were pissed at each other, they said why, had a few beers and ironed it out. They hadn’t needed to punch each other since they’d discovered girls.
“What happened to you while I was gone fishing?”
“None of your goddamned business.”
“Since when?”
“Since you fucked my wife.”
“Whoa! Wait. What?”
“Don’t you dare deny it, you son of a bitch.” Aaron advanced and Treat did nothing to defend himself, still shocked by the accusation. Aaron’s fist connected like a pile driver to Treat’s stomach and had him gasping for breath. He stumbled back against DC’s vehicle. “You think I wouldn’t have found out? She’s my wife, you asswipe. You want to fuck every woman in town, including the new Deputy Chief, go right ahead, but my wife is off limits.”
“I never touched Courtney,” Treat gasped. “I wouldn’t.”
“That isn’t what she said.”
“What?” Treat straightened. “You got it wrong. I never—”
“Enough with the denials. Get the fuck out of my life. I don’t want to see you around my family, my job, or my boss. Got it. You’re dead to me.”
“Don’t,” Aaron grounded out between clenched teeth.
Treat had never seen Aaron so angry and…hurt. The man’s heart was broken. “Aaron, I don’t know what Courtney told you, but no way did I ever touch her. She’s like a sister. You’re my brother, man.”
Something flashed in Aaron’s eyes. A tinge of doubt maybe, but whatever it was, it was gone so fast that Treat thought he must have imagined it.
“Just get on your boat and sail out of here. It’s what you do best any time life gets too hot for you.”
No it wasn’t. Treat didn’t do that. He worked through his shit. Granted, he didn’t like shore leave for long. It got too messy on land. The urge to pull anchor right now was tempting but not at the sake of their friendship. “We need to get to the bottom of this. Call Courtney, the three of us can work this out. I never touched her. I never would.”
Aaron’s glance shifted to the door of the station and his face hardened. “Wouldn’t matter anyway. She filed for divorce. I just need to sign the papers and then she’s all yours.”
“No way. I don’t want her.” Too much drama that one. Even though Treat liked Courtney, he liked her for Aaron. They’d been madly in love. What the hell had happened? “Don’t you dare sign anything until this is cleared up. You two are meant for each other.”
“Obviously not if she’s lusting for you.”
“That’s bullshit. I tried with her before the two of you met.” Aaron gave him a dirty look. Yeah, probably shouldn’t have brought that up. “But once she caught sight of you, I was nothing to her. There’s more to this than what you’ve assumed. You need to investigate rather than believe what she said.”
“You calling my wife a liar?”
“Yes, she’s lying her ass off or trying to get your attention. Or something. I don’t know. But I sure as hell didn’t sleep with her.”
Aaron’s look turned more calculating. “You swear on your mother’s life?”
“Damn right I do,” he said without hesitation.
Aaron relaxed a little more. “What about her?” Aaron pointed to the doorway of the station.
Treat turned and saw DC, her hair mussed from sleep and looking unhappy about being awake. He was pretty sure someone had gone and woken her because of him and Aaron. He just wasn’t getting anywhere with his relationships lately.
“What about her?” Something squeezed his heart.
“Are you fucking her?”
Not yet. “No, man. I’m not really her favorite person either. Though…” He left the sentence open.
“Given the chance, you would fuck her.”
“Quit saying it like that.” It sounded crass and insulting. “I like her, okay?” And he realized he did. She was more than a diversion or a little bit of entertainment. “Shit. I really like her.”
“Asshole.” The word had more of a touch of affection than his earlier negativity.
“We good here?”
“Not by a long shot.”
“Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” This sure wasn’t how he’d figure their conversation would
“Butt out of my business. If you do anything, like contact Courtney, meddle in any way, I’ll make what Hank did the other day seem like foreplay.” He flicked another look up toward DC, then got into his SUV and sped off.
Treat watched him leave, wondering what the hell he was going to do. Butting out wasn’t an option.
“What was that all about?” DC stood next to him now. He caught the whiff of mangos and coconuts and wished he could turn toward her and envelop her into his arms.
“Aaron’s kinda mad at me.”
“I got that impression. Why?”
“He thinks I slept with his wife.”
“Did you?”
He turned to face her. Her question hurt him more than it probably should. “No, I didn’t.”
She shrugged, but he caught the look of relief in her eyes. “Good. I’m glad.”
“I would never sleep with a married woman.” Flirt with them, yes. Married women were some of the best flirts out there, and he enjoyed women and flirting.
“Are you going to butt out?”
“Good.” She smiled at him, laid her hand on his shoulder for a moment before she handed him his jacket. “Thanks for the loan.”
“Anytime.” He reached into his jean pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “Here.”
“What are these for?”
“Keys to the Reel Dreamin’.”
“I already told you no.”
“And I’m telling you that if you don’t move yourself in, I’ll move you in. The Deputy Chief of Dutch Harbor doesn’t sleep in a jail cell. Got it?”
He watched her struggle and hid his smile when he saw her give in.
“Good.” He dropped the keys in her open palm. “Meet me there tonight around seven, and I’ll run you through how the water and power systems work.”
“Okay. And thanks.” She smiled at him and then turned and entered the station.
Hmm. Maybe his day was looking up.
Chapter Eleven
Seana’s day flew by. There were complaints about road conditions, a few welfare checks, a suspicious person activity that didn’t pan out and too many drunken disturbances to count now that the crabbers had returned from the fishing grounds. Everyone seemed to have a reason to celebrate. It wasn’t until midafternoon that Seana was able to take a lunch break. Since she was out, she picked up a few sandwiches before returning to the station.
Mina was at her desk, rapidly typing away. She paused when Seana entered. “Everything okay?”
“Yep. We got the crash cleaned up. No injuries. Already called maintenance to get out there and fill in the crater pothole that caused it all.”
Mina nodded. Bad roads were a common occurrence with bitchy weather. In the rest of Alaska there wasn’t a good stretch of road to be found. Why would it be any different here?
“I picked up a few sandwiches.” Seana held up the bag. “Care to take a break and have lunch with me?”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Let me mark my place, and I’ll be right with you.”
“I’ll be in my office.”
“Okay. Thanks.” Mina looked at her puzzled.
Seana couldn’t blame her. It was the first real friendly overture she’d put out there. But if she was to make Unalaska her home, she needed to become one of the locals. Making friends was part of that.
She cleared off a section of her desk and deposited the sandwiches on it. Mina entered carrying a couple soft drinks from the break room. She set the Dr. Pepper in front of Seana and cracked open the top of her Sprite. “You went to Amelia’s?”
“I was out that way. The waitress said you prefer the turkey club with no mayo, just mustard.” It was taking a bit to realize that it was impossible to hide anything in this small town. That could make her job easier when investigating a crime, but so far the crime level had been mostly related to alcohol consumption and the resulting stupidity.
“Yes, thanks.” Mina took the chair across from Seana and dug into her sandwich. “Hmm, I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” she said around a mouthful.
“Hear that. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast.” Seana took a bite of her ham and cheese.
“Protein bar and a yogurt.” Mina blushed.
“All right, that’s my point. Amelia’s knows how you like your sandwich. Everyone knows what I had for breakfast.” Yet, word hadn’t gotten around about her faux pas with Treat in the cell the other day. She just wished Morehouse would let that bomb drop so she could deal with the aftermath rather than hold the threat of its impending destruction over her head. “If the town is this up on everything, why is Sergeant Morehouse threatening Treat because he thinks his wife slept with him?”
“Oh, no. She didn’t!” Mina set down her sandwich. “That spoiled kid. She doesn’t know how good she’s got it. She’s young, impulsive, and bored. She wouldn’t say why she filed for divorce, but I had a feeling that it had something to do with her needing more attention from Aaron.”
“She loves him?”
“To distraction.”
“Does he love her?”
“Insanely so.”
“What a bunch of idiots.”
“Yeppers. That about covers it.” They ate for a bit until Mina asked, “She really told Aaron that she’d slept with Treat? That’s taking her frustration too far. Treat and Aaron have been tight since childhood. Aaron’s mother helped Julie raise him since Treat’s dad was lost at sea. It’s unforgivable for Courtney to say such a thing.”
“Does Courtney have a job?”
“No. Aaron’s schedule changes so much that he didn’t want her to work and be busy when he was off.”
“And if he’d gotten the Deputy Chief position, he’d be able to call his own hours.”
“You got it.”
“You know what?” Seana leaned in even though the office door was shut, but they were conspiring so it felt right. It felt good to be helpful with more than just keeping drunks off the streets too. “I have an idea.”
Chapter Twelve
Aaron busted into her office a few hours later. The man really needed to learn how to knock, though Seana had been counting on this meeting. Relished, it even.
“What have you done?” he demanded.
“Sit down, Sergeant.”
“No thank you, Deputy Chief.”
“That’s it.” She got to her feet. “I’ve had it with your disrespect and bitchy attitude. I got the job you wanted, deal with it like a man and move on. These snide remarks and pissy tone are childish and I won’t play your game. You either decide to do your job, or hand in your resignation.”
“You can’t fire me.” His eyes narrowed.
“Try me. I don’t need a half-cocked officer working for me. Neither does this town.” They stood facing each other, neither backing down.
Aaron breathed hard as he struggled to rein in his temper. “You had no business butting into my personal life,” he ground out.
“When it starts to interfere with your job here, yes I do.”
“I don’t want my wife working as a daycare provider.”
“Why not?”
“Krista is my sister. How’s it going to look, my wife as her nanny?”
“Really? That’s what you’re worried about? You’re more of an ass than I first thought you were. Courtney is better off without you.”
“How dare you?”
“How dare you? Why hasn’t your family helped out Krista before now? She’s basically a single mother with six boys under the age of eight. She needs help. Courtney is bored and needs something to do. Something worthwhile. What kind of husband keeps his wife locked away waiting for him? An ex-husband, that’s who.”
She waited to see what Aaron had to say to that. He fumed, his skin turning red.
“You need to cool off, Morehouse. Courtney isn’t a possession. She’s a woman who has feelings and needs. It’s time for you to go home and put your house i
n order. Talk to your wife. Work this out before she leaves and you’re left with nothing.” Seana retook her seat. “I’m giving you the rest of the week off.”
“Is that an order, sir?”
She glanced up. “Yes, it is.”
Morehouse struggled to get his words past his clenched teeth. “I don’t want the rest of the week off. You might want to reconsider this order.”
“Or what? You’ll tell everyone in town that you found me wrapped around Treat, kissing him senseless? Go ahead. And while you’re spreading that gossip like some fishwife, tell them that I’m also moving into his boat tonight.” The look on his face was priceless. She didn’t crack her poker face as she stared him down. Take that, Morehouse. I called your bluff.
“Why what?”
“Why would you move into Treat’s boat?”
“For the obvious reasons, I need a place to sleep. Do you know how hard it is to find a room to rent in Unalaska?”
He cocked his head. “Yeah, I have an idea. I never thought about renting a boat though. Does Treat have another one he’s willing to rent?”
“Not that I know of. Besides, you need to work things out with your wife.” Her tone softened. “She needs you, Aaron. And I think you need her too.”
“Well,” he scoffed. “Doubt she wants to talk to me. I haven’t been…you know, very nice lately.”
“Let me tell you something about women, we forgive the assholes we love. She’s been trying to get your attention. Now that she has it, what are you going to do about it?”
“You’re a hardass, Deputy Chief.”
“Beats a dumbass any day.”
He huffed out a sharp laugh. “Yeah, well, I’ll see if I can learn something by Monday.”
“You do that, Sergeant. Good luck. Oh, and you might want to pick up a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. They’ll at least get you through the door.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Right. Thanks.” He turned and left, closing her door softly behind him.
Mina waited a few minutes, knocked, and entered at the same time. “How’d it go?”